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  7. Caritas Australia launches Afghanistan Earthquake appeal

13 OCT 23

Caritas Australia launches Afghanistan Earthquake appeal

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Village In Afghanistan

On October 7, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Herat province, with a second taking place just outside of Herat on October 11. The earthquakes have resulted in over 2,000 deaths, with thousands more injured and many displaced. Buildings have been damaged and destroyed, and hospitals overwhelmed, with this natural disaster compounding decades of crises in Afghanistan.

Caritas Australia is supporting its partners on the ground as they respond to the urgent need for emergency shelters, clean water, medical supplies, and food and other essentials.

This disaster has exacerbated an already difficult situation in Afghanistan following decades of conflict and poverty, with scarce resources coming under even more pressure.

Economic collapse, political instability and long-term drought had already left 24.4 million people in Afghanistan in need of urgent humanitarian assistance. 97% of the population were already being pushed into extreme poverty, with two-thirds of households finding it difficult to meet basic food and non-food needs.

Melville Fernandez, Humanitarian Emergencies Associate Director, Caritas Australia said, “Afghanistan is experiencing crises compounding crises, and the situation could not be more dire for vulnerable communities. It is vital that people of compassion and the international community take action to help families impacted by poverty, food insecurity, and lack of access to essentials.

Without urgent action, the current humanitarian crisis could lead to even more deaths than seen during the war.”

Generous donations from the community will ensure our partners in Afghanistan can respond quickly and efficiently to support vulnerable communities.

To support Caritas Australia’s Afghanistan Earthquake Appeal, visit www.caritas.org.au or call 1800 024 413 toll free. Link: https://www.caritas.org.au/donate/emergency-appeals/afghanistan/




Media contact: Tara Harvey 0484 002 021/ tara.harvey@caritas.org.au or caritasmedia@caritas.org.au

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