The Laudato Si’ Action Plan of The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, launched in May 2023, identified Caritas Australia as a contributing organisation for the delivery of the anticipated Plenary Council Decree on “Integral Ecology and Conversion for the Sake of our Common Home”.
In response, Caritas Australia has created and launched its own Laudato Si’ Action Plan. Preparing this plan enabled Caritas Australia to assess and reflect on its impact and plan for its role in leading Australia’s Catholic community in a collective response to the cry of the earth.
Developed by Caritas Australia’s Climate Community of Practice, the plan includes continued advocacy work and community engagement focused on ecological education and spirituality.
Kirsty Roberston, CEO of Caritas Australia said, “It is our duty to ensure that the footprint we leave is one of sustainability, respect, and compassion. The Laudato Si action plan serves to remind us that our actions, no matter how small they may seem, hold the power to create a ripple effect of positive change.”
Those wanting to get involved and create their own Laudato Si’ Action Plan can visit the Caritas Australia Catholic Earthcare website, which offers resources to support organisations, including schools and parishes, in the self-assessment, reflection and planning process required to form a Laudato Si’ Action Plan.