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  7. Catholic Earthcare Australia launches Earthcare Parishes

17 NOV 21

Catholic Earthcare Australia launches Earthcare Parishes

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“I’m really excited by the Earthcare Parish Audit with each question aligning with one or more of the Laudato Si goals. And as part of the Earthcare Network, you receive news and opportunities to exchange ideas,” says Christine Sebire, Pastoral Associate, St Mary’s Echuca, one of the first parishes to register.  

To escalate the implementation of Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ established the Laudato Si’ Action Platform with its 7 Goals. The Australian Catholic Bishops followed with their Statement ‘Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor’, reinforcing the call to care for creation. The bishops have enrolled in the Laudato Si Action Platform, and invite us to join them in committing to the Laudato Si Goals.  

Catholic Earthcare Australia has made it easy for parishes to take up the Bishops’ invitation, Register at https://catholicearthcare.org.au/earthcare-parishes to receive your Earthcare Parish Audit. Once done, you plan your actions using the Earthcare Action Planner with suggestions under all 7 Laudato Si Goals to inspire you. The Earthcare network will support and encourage you as you implement your plan.  

Kerry Stone, St John’s Parish Numurkah, another early signatory, says “I like the way it’s so simply laid out to address the goals and ideas are localized, ‘Australianised’, with references to our Australian situation/agencies/campaigns e.g. First Nations people, Project Compassion, Landcare, Clean Up Australia Day making them very relatable and user-friendly”. 

In Sandhurst Diocese, Bishop Shane Mackinlay sees the Earthcare Program supporting the diocesan journey, “Our Diocese is committed to enrolling in the Laudato Si Action Platform. As part of the Diocese’ working towards the goals we are encouraging all parishes to become Earthcare parishes”.  

“Earthcare sees great value in building a local network. You can do an audit independently and have great intentions but if you’re part of something bigger, it’s more likely to result in ongoing action and be more impactful,” says Sue Martin, Catholic Earthcare Coordinator.  

Catholic Earthcare Australia is a program of Caritas Australia.  For further information please contact Sue Martin on sue.martin@caritas.org.au or 0432-716-577 

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