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  7. Project Compassion helping those hit by war, crises and disasters

03 APR 23

Project Compassion helping those hit by war, crises and disasters

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For over half a century, generations of Australians have participated in Project Compassion. Project Compassion began in 1965–making it one of the nation’s longest running charity campaigns. Over the years, people all over Australia have learned about the people who have been featured in Project Compassion and seen the impact that their generosity has had in their lives.

Last year was an incredibly difficult year for vulnerable communities around the world. From the war in Ukraine, to the food crisis in Africa to devastating floods in Asia, many of the most marginalised people have been seriously impacted by crises and disasters.

Yet, despite these challenges, we have witnessed the extraordinary courage and resilience of communities as they confront the challenges of conflict, poverty and injustice.

The kindness of Caritas Australia’s supporters has helped communities to live through emergencies such as war, food insecurity and natural disasters. Thanks to our supporters, we have been able to provide assistance where it has been needed the most, supplying essential services including shelter, water, food and medication.

Between 2021 and 2022, Caritas Australia’s supporters helped reach out to 378,435 people experiencing humanitarian emergencies, and 999,031 people through joint appeals with Caritas Internationalis. In addition, supporters helped Caritas Australia to respond to 34 emergencies in 23 countries, including the war in Ukraine, the devastating floods in South Asia, and the catastrophic hunger in the Horn of Africa.

Thank you for your continued support for Project Compassion – past, present and future. Together, we can help these communities face their challenges today and build a better tomorrow For All Future Generations.

To donate to Project Compassion, visit Caritas Australia’s website:

www.caritas.org.au/project-compassion/ or call 1800 024 413.

CONTACT: Jessica Stone on 0490 684 867 / jessica.stone@caritas.org.au

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