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Voice, Treaty, Truth Thumbnail

Voice, Treaty, Truth - Primary


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Voice, Treaty, Truth - Primary

This resource focuses on the three key things the Uluru Statement From the Heart calls for: Voice, Treaty, Truth. Designed for primary students, the Presentation and accompanying Teacher's Notes include introductions to each of the ideas and activities to help students deepen their understanding of First Nations Peoples and current strategies aimed at improving equity and promoting reconciliation in Australia today.
This resource also identifies the stage of the SEE – JUDGE – ACT – PRAY learning inquiry cycle used in Caritas Australia’s education resources: a reflection–action process first used by a Belgian Catholic priest, Joseph Cardijn (who later became a Cardinal) with Young Christian Workers prior to the first World War. This approach was also recommended in the 1961 encyclical letter written by Pope John XXIII called Mater et Magistra (Mother and Teacher).



Resource Topics

First Nations Australians

Resource Types

Lessons & Units

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